Workshop: Weightlifting to Enhance Sports Performance
Workshop: Vzperanie pre zlepšenie športového výkonu
(30.11.2024 - Bratislava)
Vzpieranie pre zlepšenie športového výkonu
Tento workshop Vás prevedie pohľadom a sumárom toho, prečo je maximálna a rýchla produkcia sila nevyhnutná pre zlepšenie športového výkonu.
Následne preskúmame celý rad spôsobov, ktoré možno použiť na zvýšenie maximálnej a rýchlej produkcie sily, so zameraním na použitie vzpieračských cvičení a ich derivátov. To bude zahŕňať zhrnutie výskumu o vzpieračských cvičeniach a ich derivátoch.
Budeme sa rozprávať o tom, aké cvičenia môžu byť použité na zlepšenie charakteristík tvorby sily a tým aj športového výkonu. Budú sa skúmať výhody a nevýhody rôznych tréningových metód, vrátane diskusie o tom, ako by sa tieto rôzne metódy mali kombinovať na zvýšenie športového výkonu.
Keďže bude workshop bude prebiehať v anglickom jazyku, tak zvyšné informácie sú rovnako v anglickom jazyku avšak pre viac informácií a o možnosti tlmočenia nás kontaktujte na
Weightlifting to Enhance Sports Performance: An evidence-based approach
This workshop will commence with a summary of why both maximal and rapid force production are required for enhanced sports performance.
We will then explore a range of modalities that can be used to enhance maximal and rapid force production, with a focus on the use of weightlifting exercises and their derivatives.This will include a summary of the research on weightlifting exercises and their derivatives and how such exercises can be used to enhance force production characteristics and therefore sports performance. Advantages and disadvantages of different training methods will be explored, including a discussion of how these different methods should be combined to enhance sports performance.
We will explore the effect of exercise variation and load on the resulting kinetics and kinematics during weightlifting exercises and discuss the likely adaptive responses to such stimuli.
Basic infos
- Workshop will be held in English
(Workshop bude prebiehať v anglickom jazyku). - 7 teaching hours (from 9:00 to 16:00)
- Venue: NKMC – Vietnamská 43, Bratislava-Ružinov
- Workshop consist of theoretical and practical part.
The aims of the theoretical aspects of the workshop
- Discuss why both maximal and rapid force production and essential for sports performance.
- Discuss how weightlifting exercises can be used to enhance sports performance.
- Compare different training methods and how they should be combined.
- Explore the effect of exercise variation and load on kinetics and kinematics during weightlifting exercises.

Weightlifting to Enhance Sports Performance: Practical Applications
The interactive practical components of the workshops will include examples of how weightlifting exercises can be programmed to emphasize strength-speed or speed-strength. In addition, progressions and regressions of some of the weightlifting derivatives will be performed and coached, emphasising some of the points from the theoretical aspects of the workshops. Therefore, the aims of the practical sessions are to:
- Provide examples of how weightlifting exercises can be programmed to emphasize strength-speed and speed-strength.
- Explore progressions and regressions of weightlifting derivatives, based on technical competency and the desired stimuli.

Price of the workshop
Price for whole day workshop: 249 Eur.
Maximal capacity 30 attendees.
The invoice will be send after registration and confirmation will be send after payment.
With any questions you can contact us on mail or by phone +421 910 272 863.
Lector of the workshop

Prof. Paul Comfort, Ph.D, CSCS*D, ASCC
Paul Comfort is a Professor of Strength and Conditioning at the University of Salford (UK) and an adjunct professor at Edith Cowan University (Australia). Paul is a founder member and accredited member of the United Kingdom Strength and Conditioning Association (UKSCA). Professor Comfort is certified strength and conditioning coach (recertified with distinction [CSCS*D]) through the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) and was a board member of the NSCA from 2020-2023. He regularly consults with numerous team sports in the UK and USA, and provides educational courses across Europe. Paul has authored / co-authored ~200 peer reviewed journal articles and is also co-editor of the textbooks, ‘Advanced Strength and Conditioning: an evidence-based approach’, ‘Performance Assessment for strength and Conditioning’, ‘Laboratory Manual for Strength and Conditioning’ and recently edited the 2nd edition of the ‘Developing Power’ for the NSCA.